Men Buy, Women Shop

What is with Irish men and shopping?

Between brothers, dads, housemates and dragging the poor boyfriend on those ever so rare Sunday shopping trips; It’s hard not to notice a man’s HILARIOUS shopping habits.

#1 Baskets

Men just hate shopping baskets.

Your right arm has turned purple, and the apple tart your wife asked for is now an apple crumble; but you still soldier on basket-less!

A Trolley? “I’m not wheeling that yoke around”.

#2 Food Breaksfood

Remember when you were about three years old, and your parents had to bribe you to stay quiet in mass. You were constantly reassured throughout the long half-hour that yes – provided you shut up – you could get sweets in the shop afterward?

Well guys….Those cheeky little (or disgustingly large) meals from McDonald’s every 45 mins – do the trick just great 😉 you hungry fuckers!

#3 Dates
Maybe male shoppers should be commended in this situation.

Women have a strong tendency to reach right into the back of the fridge to get the carton of milk with a Best Before End Date of August 2019. (When in reality the milk will be history by 5 o’clock this evening!)

Men, on the other hand; do you even know that food products have expiry dates?

#4 Penneys

Neersz_baby_cryingd I say more??

Any budding entrepreneur could make their first easy million by designing an ‘Entertainment Zone’ for men at the entrance of all Penneys nationwide.

By the way, texting her 10 times in the space of 6 minutes asking ‘are you ready yet?’ is NOT speeding things up.

#5 Lists

When a man comes into the shop with a detailed shopping list from his wife/girlfriend I grin.

Ladies, this is beyond cruel. His heart is thumping just at the thought of having to ask for assistance.

“She said kidney beans but sure these will do, won’t they?” says the man with the tin of Bachelor’s Baked Beans in his hand.

Men are often sent back to the shop an hour later, after they bought the organic pasta costing €19 – despite the large note in bold and underlined which read ‘Tesco brand not pasta NOT Neven Maguire’                                                                                        


#6 Asking for Assistance     

This is similar to getting lost on a road trip but refusing to ask anyone for help. Well, let me tell you how funny you look as walk aimlessly from the tampons to the milk fridge looking for a jar of pesto; before reluctantly ringing your wife for directions.                            

TIP OF THE DAY: Ask for assistance lads!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     #7 Unloading The Shopping


Sorry guys but it is impossible to get €150 worth of groceries inside in one trip.

Your stubbornness is admirable, but really embarrassing when you drop the eggs – HA!

shopping with girlfriends

#8 Man Chair

Armies of husbands and boyfriends unite outside the River Island dressing room in empathy!
Maybe it’s time for another McDonalds?
Hang in there lads; she’s nearly finished. I think.


IreneJournoCub 🙂

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